Trade association chief boosts communication with exporters

Korea International Trade Association (KITA) Chairman Yoon Jin-sik, right, listens to a Vessel Aerospace official at the company's factory in Anseong, Gyeonggi Province, Thursday. Courtesy of KITA

The Korea International Trade Association (KITA) has enhanced communication with small and medium-sized exporters through its chairman’s frequent visits to those companies after he was appointed to lead the business organization in February, the association said Thursday.Last month, Chairman Yoon Jin-sik visited Exicon, a semiconductor equipment exporter in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province. During the visit, he realized that small-sized exporters have faced difficulties in hiring Korean experts when they seek to enter the U.S. market along with larger companies.In response, the chairman decided to visit the offices of exporters regularly once a week, starting this month, so as to enhance communication with industry officials.Last Friday, he visited Aurora World, a Seoul-based company specializing in toys and the content industry. After learning about the company’s difficulties resulting from rising financial costs due to interest rate hikes and the lack of support for marketing campaigns, Yoon discussed ways to solve the problems.

On Thursday, the KITA chief visited Vessel Aerospace, a manufacturer of manned and unmanned small aircraft. It is headquartered in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, and has factories in Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province, and Anseong, Gyeonggi Province.He asked the company about the need for political support for companies engaged in high-tech industries such as urban air mobility, as the sectors have been considered challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises.KITA said Yoon will also visit companies producing automotive components, medical devices and battery materials, all of which are regarded as the nation’s strategic products. He plans to listen to their opinions and make policy proposals to support them.“I will enhance communication with exporters by visiting them once a week,” the chairman said. “KITA will make all-out efforts to solve problems facing companies and seek supportive measures for them so that Korean 메이저 exporters can strengthen their competitiveness.”

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