Singer and actor Koo Jun-hoe, popularly known as Ju-ne from the K-pop group iKON, has stepped into the world of cinema with his debut in the fantasy comedy film “Again 1997.”“I had mixed feelings and it felt interesting. I was grateful throughout the movie,” Koo, who forayed into acting last year, said during a press conference of the film at CGV in Yongsan District, Seoul, Monday.”I love watching movies, so I felt thankful to see my face on the screen. It made me think I should continue to work hard to have more opportunities like this in the future.”The upcoming film, set to hit theaters on April 10, follows a stuntman in his 40s, Woo-seok (Kim Da-hyun), who gave up his dream of becoming an actor after suffering an injury that left a scar on his face.
One day, he encounters a monk, who sells him five talismans, claiming they can alter his destiny. When he gets into a lethal car accident during a film shoot, Woo-seok is transported back to his high school days in 1997. Slipping through time to the high-school version of himself, Woo-seok (Jo Byeong-kyu) is on a mission to revamp his past life, reuniting with his best friends Bong-kyun (Koo) and Ji-Sung (Choi Hui-seung).The film also marks the directorial debut of filmmaker Shin Seung-hoon, who was the assistant director of the 2014 action film “The Divine 메이저 Move” and the 2012 comedy film “I Am the King.”